Fix: The Feature You Are Trying to Use in on a Network Resource That is Unavailable

One of the most common issues Windows users face while trying to install or uninstall an application on any version of the Windows Operating System is one where the installation or uninstallation fails, and the user affected by the problem sees an error message that states:

The feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable

The error message advises the user to simply click on OK to retry the installation – which, in most cases, yields the same results – or manually type in an alternate path to the folder that contains the installation/uninstallation package. While the error message itself states that the feature that the installation/uninstallation package is trying to access is in a location that is, for some reason, unavailable to the installation/uninstallation process, the root of this problem is not always as simple as that.

This issue can be caused by anything from the Windows Installer service simply not running for some reason to corrupt or otherwise unrecognizable registry values belonging to the program you are trying to install or uninstall. Thankfully, though, this issue can be resolved and you can even resolve it on your own. The following are some of the most effective solutions that you can use to try and fix this problem:

Solution 1: Make sure that the Windows Installer service is running

If the Windows Installer service is not running on your computer, there’s a chance any installations and/or uninstallations you attempt will fail. If you are experiencing this problem, making sure that the Windows Installer service is running is a good place to start in your journey to getting rid of it. To make sure that the Windows Installer service is running, you need to:

  1. Press the Windows Logo key + R to open a Run dialog.
  2. Type services.msc into the Run dialog and press Enter.
  3. In the Services manager, scroll down the list of services you have on your computer and locate and right-click on the Windows Installer service.
  4. Click on Properties in the resulting context menu.
  5. Open the dropdown menu located directly in front of Startup type and click on Automatic to select it.
  6. If the service’s Service status says Stopped, click on Start. If the service’s Service status says Started, skip this step.
  7. Click on Apply and then on OK.
  8. Close the Services manager.
  9. Restart your computer.

When the computer boots up, try installing or uninstalling the program you were facing this issue with before and see whether the process ends up being successful.

Solution 2: Download a different copy of the installer or download one to a different location

You might be experiencing this issue because the installer you are using to try and install or uninstall the affected program is somehow damaged or corrupted, or the directory you have downloaded it to is having problems communicating with the rest of your computer. If that’s the case, simply downloading a different copy of the installer and/or downloading one to a different location on your computer and using it to install or uninstall the affected program should be enough to get the job done.

Solution 3: Run the Program Install and Uninstall Troubleshooter

The folks at Microsoft know that Windows users sometimes face an array of different problems while trying to install and uninstall programs on basically every version of the Windows Operating System, this problem included. That being the case, Microsoft has developed and released a troubleshooter for Windows that has been expressly designed for the sole purpose of fixing the most common issues that have been known to bother Windows users while they install or uninstall programs on their computers. To run this troubleshooter, referred to as the Program Install and Uninstall Troubleshooter, you need to:

  1. Click here or here to download the Program Install and Uninstall Troubleshooter.
  2. Vent til feilsøkingsprogrammet lastes ned.
  3. Naviger til hvor du lastet ned feilsøkingsprogrammet, og dobbeltklikk på det for å kjøre det.
  4. Følg instruksjonene på skjermen og gå gjennom feilsøkingsverktøyet helt til siste slutt.
  5. Feilsøkingsprogrammet vil prøve å oppdage og reparere problemer som ødelagte registerverdier og skadede registernøkler og andre problemer som forhindrer at nye programmer blir installert og / eller gamle blir avinstallert. La feilsøkingsprogrammet gjøre det den er designet for å gjøre.

Når du har kjørt feilsøkingsprogrammet for installering og avinstallering av program , må du starte datamaskinen på nytt og kontrollere om problemet vedvarer når datamaskinen starter opp eller ikke.

Løsning 4: Slett en bestemt registernøkkel

  1. Trykk på Windows-logotasten + R for å åpne en Kjør- dialog.
  2. Skriv regedit i dialogboksen Kjør, og trykk Enter for å åpne Registerredigering .
  3. I den venstre ruten i Registerredigering , naviger til følgende katalog:


  1. I høyre rute i Registerredigering dobbeltklikker du på Produkts- undernøkkel under Installatør- nøkkelen for å utvide den, og deretter en etter en, klikker du på hver av undernøklene under Produkter- nøkkelen for å få vist innholdet i høyre rute i Registerredigering . Du må sjekke ut Produktnavn registret streng ( REG_SZ ) for hver av de under nøklene under Produkter nøkkelen som deres Verdidata skal inneholde navnet på programmet som bestemte registernøkkelen er for. Du må fortsette til du finner undernøkkelen som tilhører programmet du har problemer med å installere eller avinstallere.
  2. Når du finner undernøkkelen som tilhører det berørte programmet, høyreklikker du på undernøkkelen og klikker på Slett .
  3. Klikk på Ja i den resulterende popupen for å bekrefte handlingen.
  4. Når undernøkkelen som tilhører programmet som spytter "Feilfunksjonen du prøver å bruke, er på en nettverksressurs som ikke er tilgjengelig" feilmelding når du prøver å installere eller avinstallere den, er blitt slettet, lukk Registerredigering og start datamaskinen på nytt.

Når datamaskinen starter opp, må du kjøre installasjonspakken for installasjon / avinstallering av det berørte programmet for å kontrollere om problemet faktisk er løst.


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